Orthodox Lay Contemplative

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fighting Freedom

We took Summer, our new lab puppy, on our walk with Lady Gator this morning. Lady has learned not to resist putting on her leash or taking it off. Summer hasn't quite got that down just yet. When we enter our yard, we let them off their leashes to run around. Summer kept pulling away, and pulling away from me. I tried to bring her close enough to set her free and unhook her leash, but she wanted no part of that. She resisted, perfectly fine with continuing to fight the leash. I tried explaining it to her to no avail. Finally I got her next to me and let her go. Off she went to play in the woods, untethered to care!

But who am I to criticize Summer? Certainly I am no better. Do I let God draw me near to set me free? Do I allow his control of my life, guiding me and leading me to safety and peace? Do I really want to be free, with his direction, or am I satisfied with fighting my freedom, content with an adversarial relationship when all the time it could be one of love?