Orthodox Lay Contemplative

Monday, February 14, 2005

Let my prayer arise

I saw the sun rise this morning. First it was dark, then it was just less dark. An almost unnoticable change of hue, from black, to less black. That subtle change caught my eye this morning.

Prayer is the intentional turning of our hearts to God.

So I walked outside in the woods, to see if the sun would rise. Then the sky, the trees, the woods moved from less black to gray, than to shades of color I can't describe. The woods were now apparent, no longer hidden, but still not yet light.

Prayer is the realization of our hearts in God.

I still could not see the sun rise, but could I believe it would? The sounds of the sun rising I could hear. Birds began chirping, Canadian geese flew gallantly overhead, A ravenous hawk announces it's intention to find prey. The gray sky revealed a misty morning, with silver silhouettes growing lighter.

Prayer is our loving attentiveness to God's presence.

And then the morning ignited. The sounds trumpeted! Nature awoke! Humankind was still sleeping, maybe busy. But I saw it, only because I was there, only because I became aware. From a slight sliver, to a bursting fire of orange, the sun appeared. Nature rejoiced! What once was dark, now was light. Was once was hidden, now was revealed. What once was longed for, now was believed. Hope becomes faith.

Prayer is God.