Sayings of the Desert Fathers
At the beginning of this year, I started reading through "The Sayings of the Desert Fathers" for the second time. I only read a couple every day, it took me about 2 years to go through it the first time. The second time through is giving me an opportunity to really let them sink into me, and allow me to meditate on their meaning a little more. Many of the same themes repeat themselves: humilty, silence, prayer, obedience, the Psalms, and the value of asceticism. What could be more appropriate to start Lent than with a few of their sayings?
From Abba Evagrius: "It is a great thing to pray without distraction, but to chant the Psalms without distraction is even greater." How meaningful after hearing the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and Great Compline.
From Bishop Epiphanius on the value of personal piety: Someone asked him, "Is one righteous man enough to appease God?" Abba replied "Yes, for he himself has written "find a man who lives according to righteousness and I will pardon the whole people" Jer 5:1. How similar to St. Seraphims' great unction: "Acquire inner peace, and thousands beside you will be saved."
Finally, from Abba Dioscorus about repentance and humility: In his cell, he wept over himself, while his disciple was sitting in another cell. When the latter came to see the old man, he asked him "Father, why are you weeping?" Abba Dioscorus replied "I am weeping over my sins". His disciple said "Father, you don't have any sins." Abba answered "Truly my child, if I were allowed to see my sins, three or four men would not be enough to weep for them."
Lord have mercy on us and grant us hearts of repentence and humility as we prepare ourselves to celebrate your passion and resurrection.
From Abba Evagrius: "It is a great thing to pray without distraction, but to chant the Psalms without distraction is even greater." How meaningful after hearing the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and Great Compline.
From Bishop Epiphanius on the value of personal piety: Someone asked him, "Is one righteous man enough to appease God?" Abba replied "Yes, for he himself has written "find a man who lives according to righteousness and I will pardon the whole people" Jer 5:1. How similar to St. Seraphims' great unction: "Acquire inner peace, and thousands beside you will be saved."
Finally, from Abba Dioscorus about repentance and humility: In his cell, he wept over himself, while his disciple was sitting in another cell. When the latter came to see the old man, he asked him "Father, why are you weeping?" Abba Dioscorus replied "I am weeping over my sins". His disciple said "Father, you don't have any sins." Abba answered "Truly my child, if I were allowed to see my sins, three or four men would not be enough to weep for them."
Lord have mercy on us and grant us hearts of repentence and humility as we prepare ourselves to celebrate your passion and resurrection.