Orthodox Lay Contemplative

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Shelter in the wildnerness

There's a phrase from Psalm 55, which we read in 6th hour, that I love. It is something to the effect of "Oh that I had wings like a dove, I would fly away and be at rest, I would hasten to find a shelter in the wildnerness." Everyone needs a shelter in the wilderness, a place to hide and find rest. Okay, not the "happy place" of Happy Gilmour. But your own personal retreat center, a place to pray, find quiet and solitude, and regroup before battling life again.

When we moved to Indiana over a year ago, we bought a house sitting on an acre of woods. The back half of that was overgrown with tall brush and a was a veritable enchanted forest of Yoda. I've spent quite some time clearing out the underbrush and making my very own meditative woods. The kids started putting in a trail, which I've completed and turned into a mini-labyrinth. The new growth has sprung up, creating a nice contrast to the tall, thick trees. The labyrinth ends in a little space with a buckeye tree, and now a statue of Mary. (Okay for you fundamental Orthodox sticklers, I know 3D religious imagery is not allowed. This is, ahhmm, a garden decoration, not an icon).

I've added 4 icons in icon boxes in a few spots on the trail/labyrinth. And finally, a couple benches, one in the woods and 2 in the grassy area before the woods. Okay, it's not Mount Athos. But it is a really cool place to hang out, pray, and meditate. Just watch out for the raccoons, squirrels, bats, or deer roaming around the place.